Kristu Jayanti School of Management continuously focuses on faculty development and gives opportunities to the faculty to enhance, enrich and update their knowledge and skills. Hence, the faculty participate in various forums as resource persons and participants. This continuous efforts have resulted in faculty receiving various awards both at national and international levels. The following are some of the awards received recently by the faculty of Kristu Jayanti School of Management:
AIMS International, Houston US recognizes an Indian Management Faculty member as the Outstanding Management Teacher every year. An announcement for nominations was made in September, 2021. Dr.P.Baba Gnanakumar, School of Management, has been selected to receive the award for the year 2021.
MTC Global Award 2021
Distinguished Teacher Award, Management : 2021
Mr. John Pradeep Kumar
Assistant Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous
Dr. Aloysius Edward |
Dr. Aloysius Edward |
Dr. Baba Gnanakumar Distinguished Faculty Award |
Dr. Baba Gnanakumar |
Best Paper Award - Dr. Gita P C |
Best Paper Award - Dr. Justin Nelson Michael |
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