
Kristu Jayanti College every year organizes one International Conference and one National Conference. With an objective to widen the knowledge in the area of Business Management and in line with the recent trends in the industry, the themes for the conferences are selected. Kristu Jayanti International Symposium (KRISYM), an International conference is organized every year for more than a decade. The 11th International conference KRISYM 2K18, was organized on the topic Wellness Ecosystem for Millennial Business on April 27 & 28, 2018. Speakers from various countries and fields are invited as speakers. Researchers, scholars, academicians, students and professionals across the country participate in KRISYM every year. The selected papers of the conference are published in an UGC approved journal. Kristu Jayanti School of Management also organizes a National level conference every year.

14th International Conference KRISYM 2021
School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College, organized the 14th International Conference KRISYM 2021 on the theme ‘A $5 Trillion Economy – Resurgence and Resilience in the Post COVID 19 World’ on January 07 & 08, 2021. KRISYM 2021, the two day international conference is the first virtual international conference of Kristu Jayanti School of Management and was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Dr Philip G Laird, Vice President, Innovation, Global and Academic Partnerships, Trinity Western University, Canada. Dr M K Baby, Head School of Management welcomed the virtual gathering and Dr Baba Gnanakumar, Director, Centre for Consulting and Corporate training and the Conference Convener, gave the prelude to KRISYM 2021. Fr Dr Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College delivered the presidential address. Prof. Stephen Deepak, the Conference Co Convener, proposed the vote of thanks.

Dr Philip in his Inaugural address spoke about the various patterns of recovery post-pandemic COVID 19 and also on the resilient journey ahead specifically for India. He critically assessed the opportunities and the challenges that India would face in its journey to reach the $5trillion mark. He did attribute this challenging journey to the committed leaders of India and their efforts.

The day 1 of the international conference with the theme Virtuous Cycle comprised two keynote sessions and a plenary session.

The Keynote session 1 was chaired by Dr Easwaramoorthy Rangaswamy, Principal & Provost, Amity Global Institute, Singapore on the topic, Skills & Workforce Development Strategies – Post COVID. Dr Easwaramoorthy in his address stressed that the GDP of the nation is widely dependent on the skillset of the people and shared various strategies and cited various examples from Singapore and across the globe.

The Keynote session 2 was chaired by Dr. Chen Liu, Director of MBA Programs School of Business, Trinity Western University, Canada on the topic Resilience Business Continuity Plans – Post-COVID. Citing the dip in the US economy after the great depression of the 1930s, Dr Chen Liu, presented visually the prevailing depression post-COVID 19. She concluded her speech by attributing the innovation and digitalization as the contributors to the economic resilience in the coming days.

The day 2 of KRISYM 2021 with the theme Champion Services comprised two keynote sessions.

Dr Doug Gilbert, Founder & CEO of Edupartner Solutions, Principal of Lone Tree Academics, Colorado, USA was the speaker for the keynote session 3 on the topic of Teaching Resilience in Management. Dr Doug highlighted the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity that would prevail in the ‘Never Normal’ Business environment. He defined resilience at three levels - personal level, group & team level and the organization & environment level. In conclusion, Dr Gilbert encouraged the students to be competent, to look beyond the classrooms and to look at the classrooms as learning labs rather than looking at them as lecture halls and to include themselves into internships, projects and experiential learning. He did appreciate Kristu Jayanti School of Management for its plethora of experiential learning platforms.

The keynote session 4 was chaired by Dr Prasad Padmanabhan, Professor of Finance, Myra Stafford Pryor Chair of Free Enterprise, Sam Walton Fellow, St. Mary’s University, Texas, USA on the topic Banking & Financial Services Sector. Citing various examples from banks in the USA and across the globe, Dr Prasad warned that many of the banks are in a cushion zone with a lot of liquidity and moving forward they might slip into a caution zone. He was of the opinion that the multi-use of technology and the multi-use of assets are both the changing forces in the days ahead.

Dr. Mark Halvorson, Associate Dean, Leadership Program, Trinity Western University, graced the valedictory session with his enriching address. He creatively presented the mid ocean as an analogy to a leader and his environment during this pandemic where he is left over there to take critical decisions. The analogy really showed the importance of learning and practicing leadership skills. The results in terms of student engagement and learning were significant. He also presented about the Leadership Learning Labs, a virtual platform to learn and practice leadership that was innovatively designed and implemented at Trinity Western University, Canada. Dr. Mark elaborated on one of the greatest challenges that the leaders face is the ‘Curse of Knowledge’. He also explained the ingenuity gap by Homer Dixon, the matrix of systems learning and leadership, the self-leadership, team leadership, organizational leadership and the whole ecosystem leadership and the core competencies that are to be developed. He shared elaborately the various aspects of leadership and learning.

Day 2 also had a plenary session where the participants presented their research findings to a panel of expert judges. Dr Sheeja Krishnakumar, the conference co-convener delivered the vote of thanks. Dr Aloysius Edward J, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management announced that KRISYM 2022 will also be organized in collaboration with the Trinity Western University, Canada and he also announced the dates and the theme for the next conference. KRISYM 2022 is scheduled on January 28 & 29, 2022 on the theme, ‘Re-Engineering Management Capabilities for a Sustainable Future’. The conference ended with the college choir singing the college anthem.

15th Edition of KRISYM – Kristu Jayanti International Symposium on the contemporary theme ‘Reengineering Management Capabilities for a Sustainable Future’
The School of Management of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru in collaboration with Trinity Western University, Canada organized the 15th Edition of KRISYM – Kristu Jayanti International Symposium on the contemporary theme ‘Reengineering Management Capabilities for a Sustainable Future’ on 10th and 11th February 2022. The International Conference was inaugurated by Dr Philip Laird, Vice President Innovation, Global and Academic Partnerships, Trinity Western University, Canada, in the august presence of Dr Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, Dr Aloysius Edward – Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Dr MK Baby – Head School of Management, Dr Baba Gnanakumar, Conference Convenor and Dr Sheeja Krishna Kumar and Prof Stephen Deepak, Conference Co-convenors, invited delegates, resource persons, faculty members and students from the School.

Welcoming the audience, Dr Aloysius Edward – Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management lay thrust on the theme of the conference highlighting the triple bottom crux of people, planet and profit as the mantras for continued sustainability. In his prelude, Dr Baba Gnanakumar, the convenor of the conference refreshed everyone’s memory with the reengineering case on Hindustan Unilever Ltd’s repositioning of the 150 plus brands in the millennial age

Dr Augustine George, the principal in his presidential address sought to connect the CMI Educational Philosophy as a prime source of engineering and reengineering for the sustainable success of CMI Institutions. The day was also coincidentally memorable as it marked the 217th birth anniversary of the founder St Kuriakose Elias Chavara who championed the cause of education and continues to inspire the mission of Kristu Jayanti College.

Dr Philip Laird, giving his presidential address very eloquently dwelt deeper to the cause of firms constantly showcasing master piece innovations to the world. Highlighting the case studies of once famed companies like Kodak, Blockbuster videos, Pan Am and Smith Carona, he stated that comfort zones and complacency would become the deadly odds against attaining a sustainable future. He enshrined the preamble for sustainability into the future in 3 points a) Hope as an emotional driver of sustainability b) Innovation as the Intellectual power driving this sustainability and c) Hunger as the leadership attribute that envisions the future of sustainability.

The International conference cutting across time zones had learned luminaries enriching and adding food for thought in every keynote session addressed by them. In the first keynote address Dr. Imbenzi George, Sessional Assistant Professor of Graduate Program, MA Leadership, Advisor, Business Stream Director Trinity Western University, Canada spoke on the art of making friends and influencing people and how trust will determine marketing success in the post pandemic world.

Addressing the virtual audience early morning from Canada, Dr Blair Whitmarsh, Dean of the School of Human Kinetics and Athletics and author of the book Mind & Muscle explained the human resource dimension of High performance among individuals and teams as key indicators of sustained success. He stated that true success comes with the combination of Head, Heart and Hand.

The opening key note address on day two was led by Dr Ulaganathan, Principal Lecturer,Programme Leader Accounting, Universiti Teknologi Brunei. Speaking on the topic Usage of Blockchain in Accounting, he threw light on the sea changes the field of finance and accounting will go through bringing about greater accountability and transparency in the functioning of the firms. Dr. Mark Lee, Professor of Business. Trinity Western University, stated that the pandemic was intensifying issues of food security, fears of disruption in supply chains affecting the basic functioning and the looming worry for sustainability.

The Conference had 4 plenary sessions with 186 research papers presented by the students of the School of Management. Speaking at the valedictory session, Dr Dinesh Dave, Director and Professor of Supply chain Management in the Department of Marketing and Supply chain management. John A Walker College of Business, Appalachian state University, USA gave an elaborate explanation on the current Global supply chain issues, speaking on Demand and Supply dynamics, complications on supply chains brought in by the pandemic. He concluded with a recommendation on what can make India an epicentre for global supply chains and offering the EPIC framework for building robust and agile supply chains for the future.

13th International Conference - KRISYM 2020
School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College organized the 13th International Conference KRISYM 2020 in collaboration with Trinity Western University, Canada on February 14 & 15, 2020. The two day conference was inaugurated with the august presence of the chief guest, Dr. Philip G Laird, Vice Provost, Trinity Western University, Canada and the guest of honour Ms. Michelle Wade, Commissioner to South Asia, State Government of Victoria, Australia. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management welcomed the gathering and Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Centre for Research, gave the prelude to KRISYM 2020. Rev. Dr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College delivered the presidential address. Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management proposed the vote of thanks.

Dr. Philip in his Inaugural address, shared his vast experience in on the impact of Globalization on Education. Ms Michelle Wade, Commissioner to South Asia, State Government of Victoria, Australia delivered the keynote address. In her interactive address she shared the growth story of the State of Victoria during the times of Globalization. KRISYM 2020 had five keynote sessions. Dr. Imbenzi George, Business Stream Director, Trinity Western University, Canada, Mr. Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Resil Chemicals Private Ltd, Mr. Jason Samuel, Vice President – ERM, TVS Motor Co. Ltd, Mr. Sujit John, Business Editor, Times of India, Mr. Rakesh Goel, Senior Director, Capgemini, Mr. K. R. Sekar, Partner, Deloitte Bengaluru, Mr. Mark D Souza, CEO, Mark D Souza & Co, Mr. Vijay Sai Pratap, Co-Founder & CEO, OnionDev Technologies, and Mr. Narasimhan Srinivas, Director – Strategy & Finance, CFO – Secure Power Division at Schneieder Electric IT Business India Pvt Ltd were the other keynote speakers. KRISYM 2020 witnessed 163 research papers with more than 185 authors with their contributions from 16 Universities and Academic Institutions across the globe and 6 states from the country. Mr. Murali Venkatesan, Associate Director Commercial Management, Accenture, graced the valedictory session with her presence and the valedictory address.

12th International Conference - KRISYM
Kristu Jayanti School of Management a leading B-School in Bengaluru organized the 12th International Conference – KRISYM 2K19 on the theme The Future of Business – Industry 4.0 on February 15 & 16, 2019. The two day conference was inaugurated with the august presence of the chief guest, Mr. Srinivas Iyengar, Vice President, EVRY India and the guest of honor His Excellency Pushpak Prakash, Honorary Consul, Czech Consulate in Bengaluru. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management welcomed the gathering and Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Centre for Research, gave the prelude to KRISYM 2K19. Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College delivered the presidential address. Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management proposed the vote of thanks.

Mr. Srinivas Iyengar in his Inaugural address, gave a brief history of how the Industry 4.0 evolved over time. He highlighted the importance of Industrial Revolution 4.0 in today’s Business world. Mr. Iyengar shared various examples from Intel and the IT industry and also briefed on the skills that the budding managers should develop to be Industry 4.0 ready. He also emphasized on the initiatives taken by NASSCOM in skilling the workforce in India. His excellency Pushpak Prakash, in his address advocated that irrespective of whether the world witnesses Industry 4.0 or 5.0 or 6.0, the human values still holds essential for the human race and he stressed the students to take care of their parents, teachers, the place of study, work etc. In his interactive address he shared his early challenges as an entrepreneur, his role as an honorary consul, the pushpak incubator, the relationship between India and the Czech Republic and his personal experiences in working in different defence and ISRO projects.

Dr. Lakshmi Iyer, Professor of IS and Director of Masters in Applied Data Analytics Program at Appalachian State University, USA, Mr. David McCann, Founder, BCX Design, Mr. Dibyendu Mathur, AVP – Analytics at Wells Fargo, Mr. Ravi Raman, Managing Director and COO of InfraHedge Services India P Ltd, a subsidy of State Street Corporation, Mr. Manjunath R S, Director – Engineering, TE Connectivity India and Ms. Collette Cummins, Managing Director, Audit Methodology, Operations and Culture, Grant Thornton were the other esteemed speakers of KRISYM 2K19. The conference witnessed research papers from more than 90 authors across the globe. The Industry 4.0, its challenges and the way forward were deeply deliberated and discussed in the two day conference.

11th International Conference - KRISYM
Kristu Jayanti School of Management, organized the 11th International conference KRISYM 2018 on “Wellness Ecosystem for Millennial Business” conducted in association with ISDC, ACCA and journal of advance management research on the 27th and 28th of April 2018 fostering international research collaborations in business & management. The programme was inaugurated by Ms. Lucia Real Martin, Director, Emerging markets, ACCA, London, UK on April 27th along with Rev.Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean Faculty of Commerce & Management, Dr. Vijaya Baskaran, Head, School of Management, Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Conference Convenor and Mr. Robin Raj Philip, Student Co-ordinator.

Dr. Aloysius Edward in his welcome speech noted the growth opportunities in the Indian business ecosystem and extended a warm welcome to the chief guest, Ms. Lucia Real Martin and the participants, research scholars, faculties & industry delegates across the world. Dr. Justin Nelson Michael in his prelude to the International Conference mentioned about the changing business environment and the challenges in the business ecosystem. Rev.Fr. Agustin George in his presidential address stressed on the highly volatile, Uncertain, Complex and ambiguous nature of the ecosystem and its challenges. The inauguration ceremony was graced by the address by the chief guest Ms. Lucia Real Martin.

Ms. Lucia Martin, gave a brief note on the Millennials and their role in the business arena. Millennials are the future of modern business and the success story of every economy will be written by them reflecting contemporary theme for management. Millennial business has opened itself to a world of opportunities and challenges. While the future of multinational businesses and economies seems progressive, their survival depends upon their strategic instincts to overcome the surprises of the millennium. The success of business has become volatile more than before. Hence, what the ecosystem holds the millennials today has to be well addressed and must be deliberated on how to contribute towards it.

Ms. Lucia Martin addressed the gathering with her thought provoking speech in depth on “What holds for the millennials today?” She mentioned that disruptive change is a factor of fear and there is a need to improve and enhance the opportunities so that one can develop their skills and the competence at a strategic level. The aspirations of the Generation Next includes mobility, embracing technology and to be a global citizen making them move forward with an inner confidence.

Moreover, Ms. Lucia Martin in her address stressed on the need to understand and also to gel with the cultural diversity or differences that exist that can help individuals to learn and progress. Experiential learning is the key with job related experiences, social learning with colleagues and formal learning adding to the higher value activity. The importance of entrepreneurship was also highlighted in her speech.

Ms. Lucia Martin, concluded by enlightening the gathering on the skills that are required for the millennials to accomplish and sustain greater heights in managing the millennial businesses and the changing aspirations of the Millennial executives, innovative technological advancements and the growth of Millennial businesses.

Dr. Vijaya Baskaran, proposed the vote of thanks. The inauguration of the International conference KRISYM 2018 was a grand success. The conference comprises five keynote sessions and a plenary session. Mr. Mohammed Sajid Khan, Head, International Development, ACCA, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Mr. Abhay Tandon, Lead Program Manager at Target Accelerator Program, Mr. Thomas Van Berckel, Generalist & Social Entrepreneur, Mr. Mario Schimdt, Managing Director, Lingel Windows & Doors P Ltd, Mr. David Keynan, Vice Chairman, Federation of Indo-Israeli Chamber of Commerce and His Excellency Mr. Sebastian Hug, Consul General, Consulate of Switzerland were the other esteemed speakers of KRISYM 2018.

“It is a truly global experience that Kristu Jayanti School of Management has organized today to us the students to interact with global leaders and visionaries and that had augmented our understanding and the text book knowledge on Business & Management in the context of the Millennial Business”, Ms. Manisha Rao, shared her experience over the interaction during the International conference, KRISYM 2018.

International Conference - KRISYM

Krisym, Kristu Jayanti International symposium conducts every year a series of International conferences on various themes by the Kristu Jayanti School of Management.This year Kristu Jayanti International Symposium with the advice of the Conference Patron initiated its 8th International Conference on Globalization and Changing Landscape of Business.

This conference is an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of Novel advances and research results in the field of globalization and business.The main objective of the conference is to bring together leading academicians, Industrialists, researchers and scholars to contribute their thoughts, opinions, suggestions in the area of globalization and business.

This year Krisym 2015 focused on 11 themes and 12 topics. We are indeed very delighted to say that there were 12 international key note speakers from USA, UK, France, Canada, Iran, Turkey and China contributing to the value & flair of our Conference. There were around 92 delegates from across the globe who presented their papers in their domain.

The Inauguration of the event was on June 30, 2015. To mark the beginning of the event we had the Presidential address by Rev Fr. Josekutty PD, Principal Kristu Jayanti College.This was followed by Inaugural address by Prof Fiona Moore, School of Management Organization Studies and Human Resource Management, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

The other key note speakers for the 2 day conferences were Prof Justin Paul from the University of Puerto Rico, USA, Prof William Newburry College of Business. Florida International University, USA, Prof Hemant Merchant, Global Business, University of South Florida, USA, Dr. Diane A Isabelle from the Carleton Univeristy,Ontario,Canada, Dr. Cordula Barzantny,Tulouse Business School France, Dr. H Rui ,Senior Lecturer at School of Management ,Royal Holloway, University of Cambridge, London. The 3 member panelists moderated by Mr. Prammath Nath, HR Head,KPMG, presented their views and opinions on globalization and changing landscape of Business . The Expert panel members from various Countries who contributed their rich experiences were:Dr.Karen Lynden,Rowan Cabarrus Community College,USA,Dr.Omer Faruk ,Assistant Professor, Abdullah Gul University,Turkey,Dr.Diane Isabelle,Assistant Professor,Carleton University,Canada.

The International conference concluded with the Valedictory Address. The Programme was addressed by Prof Ram Mudambi, Professor and Perelman Senior Research Fellow, Fox School of Business Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.

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