Expert Lecture Series

Expert Lecture on Intellectual Property Rights in Business
Date: 30th January 2021
Classes attended and number of beneficiaries: 110 Trimester I Students; 170 Trimester V Students
Name and details of the Resource Person: Shri. Sanjeeth Hegde, Senior Partner, BananaIP Counsels

Kristu Jayanti School of Management organised an Expert lecture on the topic ‘Intellectual Property Rights in Business’ on the 30th January 2021 for the first and the second year MBA students. The guest speaker for the day was Shri. Sanjeeth Hegde, Senior Partner, BananaIP Counsels. The session began at 11:00 AM in the zoom platform. Ms. Ofilia Davis was the MC and Ms. Riona Annie welcomed the guest speaker and the students. Mr. Shenz Sam Mathew introduced the guest speaker. Shri. Sanjeeth spoke on the various types of Intellectual Property Rights in the business environment and gave many examples regarding the same. He gave a detailed explanation on the four types of intellectual property rights (IP) which included Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights and Trade Secrets.

Patents which is a type of limited-duration protection that can be used to protect inventions that are new, non-obvious, and useful, such as a new process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter. A trademark refers to phrases, words, or symbols that distinguish the source of a product or services of one party from another. Copyrights are a type of intellectual property protection that protects original works of authorship, which might include literary works, music, art, and more.Trade secret refers to specific, private information that is important to a business because it gives the business a competitive advantage in its marketplace. Shri. Sanjeeth added on by speaking about various industries and how each industry has different IP’s registered for various products and services that a business has to offer.

A detailed explanation on the subject matter, term of IP, jurisdiction, and finally what each IP is meant to protect was clearly explained with examples referring to various industries was given by the speaker. He further added that in almost all top companies nearly 90% of the profit are from trademarks. The importance of innovation and marketing in a business was explained by quoting Peter Drucker “... Because its purpose is to create a customer, business has two, only two functions: Marketing and Innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, all the rest are costs”. It was an interactive session with students asking questions regarding the various types of IPR which was answered and explained by the speaker in detail patiently towards the end and during the session as well.

Expert Lecture on Nestle - A Purpose-Led Journey in India
Date: 23rd November 2020
Classes attended and number of beneficiaries: I year 110 students & II year 164 students
Name and details of the Resource Person: Mr. Sanjay Khajuria, Director, Corporate Affairs, Nestle India.

The School of Management in collaboration with Business Standard, organized an Expert Lecture Series (ELS) CEO Talk on 23rd November 2020 at 4.00pm on Zoom virtual platform. The speaker for the day was Mr. Sanjay Khajuria, Director of Corporate Affairs, Nestle India. The event started with a prayer song sung by the department choir followed by profile reading. Sir started the session by giving a brief introduction about his company. He explained the purpose of the company and the core values rooted in respect, which they offer to individuals, families, communities and the planet. He gave insights about the importance of respect and how it’s been valued in his company.

He spoke about the global footprint of Nestle. The company has a balanced and diversified business with more than 2000 brands across 187 countries. Nestle is looking forward to greater opportunities in the field of e-commerce. He revealed how the company was affected by the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic and the different strategies the company had to take, to go through the lockdown period. Mr. Sanjay Khajuria, also spoke about the way in which the company encouraged its employees to work from home during the pandemic. Sir also shared some of the CSR initiatives and the best practices of Nestle that led to a strategic sustainable development. The ELS program ended with an interactive and informative Q & A session.

Recent Trends in Corporate Governance
Date: 27-08-2019
Classes attended & number of beneficiaries: I Year MBA (Sec A & B) – 93 students
Name and details of the Resource Person: Shri Nandishaw K Dhony, Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Objective: To understand the importance, and the recent trends prevailing in the field of Corporate governance.

The School of Management organized an Expert Lecture Series (ELS) on Corporate Governance- Recent Trends on 27th august 2019. The speaker for the day was Shri Nandishaw K Dhony, Advocate, Supreme Court of India. The lecture started with the prayer song sung by the department choir followed by profile reading and welcoming the guest to the audience by DR. Aloyious Edward, Dean School of Management. The speaker explained what corporate governance is how because of poor corporate governance companies are shutting down. He gave the example of Vistara Airlines had failed because of poor bad accountability, transparency, assurance, and take hold impact. He said that good quality control gives shareholders confidence in the company quality on board. He explained what corporate culture is and how activities are impacting on board by giving the example of companies like Hindustan Uniliver, TATA Motors etc. He focused on what leadership and on the qualities that are critical to the success of corporate governance. The speakers also told the students about directorship course and scope of it. The session ended with Question and answer session in which students raised their doubts and Sir gave clarifications.

Expert Lecture Series on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Date: 19-11-2019
Classes Attended: I Year MBA-170 students
Name and details of the Resource Person: Dr. Douglas Gilbert, Professor, School of Management, University of Phoenix, USA.
Objective: To learn the different area of entrepreneurship.

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College organized an Expert Lecture Series on the topic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem on November 29th, 2019. Dr Douglas Gilbert, Professor, School of Management, University of Phoenix, USA was the guest speaker and he enlightened the audience on the topic, “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem”. The lecture series was conducted in the mini auditorium at 4.00 pm. Dr M K Baby welcomed the guest speaker. Dr. Douglas, began the session by underlining the sad but reality of the entrepreneurial environment in India, that is seven out of ten entrepreneurs are failing.

Throughout his lecture he touched upon three key insights that are to be considered while starting the entrepreneurial journey and to become successful. Firstly it depends on how as entrepreneur plan and think about his/her business. Secondly, one must be very prudent about the financial aspects of it. Thirdly, the entrepreneur should have proper and beneficial networking. Emphasizing the dangers of a lone start-up in this knowledge economy, he underlined the importance of networking in the entrepreneurial environment. He sees the educational styles in the light of two models. The K.S.A model and A.S.K model. The K.S.A model according to Dr Douglas is the traditional style of teaching wherein knowledge is fed to the students initially. The A.S.K model is more creative and specific and is the modern and more efficient style of teaching where the students are imbibed an attitude and an environment that is conducive for learning and developing of proper skills which will enable them to search for the knowledge. The session was very informative and lively and ended with a Q & A session wherein Dr. Douglas Gilbert shared his valuable thoughts and insights.

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College organized an Expert Lecture Series on the topic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem on November 19th, 2019. Dr Douglas Gilbert, Professor, School of Management, University of Phoenix, USA was the guest speaker and he enlightened the audience on the topic, “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem”. The lecture series was conducted in the mini auditorium at 4.00 pm. Dr M K Baby welcomed the guest speaker. Dr. Douglas, began the session by underlining the sad but reality of the entrepreneurial environment in India, that is seven out of ten entrepreneurs are failing.

Throughout his lecture he touched upon three key insights that are to be considered while starting the entrepreneurial journey and to become successful. Firstly it depends on how as entrepreneur plan and think about his/her business. Secondly, one must be very prudent about the financial aspects of it. Thirdly, the entrepreneur should have proper and beneficial networking.

Emphasizing the dangers of a lone start-up in this knowledge economy, he underlined the importance of networking in the entrepreneurial environment. He sees the educational styles in the light of two models .The K.S.A model and A.S.K model. The K.S.A model according to Dr Douglas is the traditional style of teaching wherein knowledge is fed to the students initially. The A.S.K model is more creative and specific and is the modern and more efficient style of teaching where the students are imbibed an attitude and an environment that is conducive for learning and developing of proper skills which will enable them to search for the knowledge.M

The session was very informative and lively and ended with a Q & A session wherein Dr Douglas Gilbert shared his valuable thoughts and insights.

The School of Management organized an Expert Lecture Series (ELS) on Corporate Governance- Recent Trends on 27th august 2019. The speaker for the day was Shri Nandishaw K Dhony, Advocate, Supreme Court of India. The lecture started with the prayer song sung by the department choir followed by profile reading and welcoming the guest to the audience by DR. Aloyious Edward, Dean School of Management. The speaker explained what corporate governance is how because of poor corporate governance companies are shutting down. He gave the example of Vistara Airlines had failed because of poor bad accountability, transparency, assurance, and take hold impact. He said that good quality control gives shareholders confidence in the company quality on board. He explained what corporate culture is and how activities are impacting on board by giving the example of companies like Hindustan Uniliver, TATA Motors etc. He focused on what leadership and on the qualities that are critical to the success of corporate governance. The speakers also told the students about directorship course and scope of it. The session ended with Question and answer session in which students raised their doubts and Sir gave clarifications.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management organized an interactive session with Mr. C.K Kumaravel, CEO and Founder of Naturals Beauty Saloons on March 06, 2019 under it Industry interaction platform, Expert Lecture Series. This is the fourth Expert Lecture conducted by the School of Management in this academic year 2018-19. The chief guest was accompanied by Mr. Chandra Kanth C S, Officer, Market Development, Business Standard, Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management and Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management.

Mr. Kumaravel, started his speech by sharing the lives of various entrepreneurs that taught him life lessons. The list included both the old and the contemporary business leaders such as Jack Ma, Dhirubhai Ambani and few others. He stressed that the formal education will help a person to survive in life, while a continuous education will make a fortune. Mr. Kumaravel also shared Jack Ma’s theory on the stages in life and what the students should do during theses stages. He also advocated a formula that Focus + daily improvement + Time = Genius that would result in helping the students to achieve success. He also differentiated happiness and success in life with various examples from business and sports.

Mr. Kumaravel also gave a six point mantra to be successful that he had developed from the learning of his own life. He also gave various advices for girls and how girls should try to stand on their own, defining their goals and to strive to achieve it. He also advised the students to paint their own picture rather than having others painted it for them. The session ended with a Q & A session.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management organized an interactive session for the MBA students through its interactive platform, ‘Expert Lecture Series’, on February 06, 2019. Mr. Gaurav Kapoor, Head of Policy, ACCA India was the guest speaker. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean and Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management, welcomed the guests with a bouquet of flowers. Mr. Kapoor addressed the students on the topic, ‘The Future of Management Professionals in the Global World’. Mr Gaurav Kapoor mainly focused on one aspect- “Think globally”. Before directly stepping into the topic, he raised the question – “Is the learning of commerce and accounting really important or not?” He shared a survey which was conducted by him over an aggregate of a hundred countries in the globe and ended with the conclusion that 86% are of the fact that the learning of commerce and accounting is necessary.

Mr. Kapoor, also spoke about the shifting of the jobs and shared the statistics of the survey conducted regarding the same. He also explained the importance of ACCA and emphasised the importance of getting an opportunity to do ACCA in Kristu Jayanti School of Management. Mr. Kapoor also shared tips to the students to update their skills and be prepared for the rapidly changing world to keep up the competition which is always increasing. He also stressed that inorder to maintain the jobs, the students need to focus on new technological innovations and upgrade their skills as per requirement. He concluded his presentation by sharing the facts that the world is highly dynamic and rapidly changing. The session ended with an interactive Q & A session.

Expert Lecture Series is one of the interactive platforms organised by Kristu Jayanti School of Management for 1st & 2nd Year Management Students on October 04, 2018. It is a platform whereby management students get an opportunity to interact with various dignitaries from the corporate world such as CEO’s & Vice Presidents of various companies and to get an insight into the recent trends of corporate world. This year it was conducted on 4th October.

The session was conducted by Ms. Kuppulakshmi Krishnamurthy who is the Product Evangelist and Head ZOHO Corporation for start-ups, Co-founder and the topic was “Looking at EI In The Age of AI”. The Expert Lecture was inaugurated with an invocation prayer followed by lightning of lamp. She explained why the students need to talk about EI. EI is nothing but how one feel and understand what other people ‘feel and think’. Ms. Kuppu also explained the role of AI in the present era and the relevance of EI.

She shared some of her real life experiences and definition of happiness she also quoted that ‘success will not come at every point of time’. Lot of skills that are not thought in schools are essential and enumerated top 10 skills that are essential. Ms.Kuppu also shared her success story by explaining how from being a failure she pulled herself together to face all the challenges of life. Contribute to the society something productive. Ms. Kuppu advocated the students to spend some time every day to sharpen their axe. Then there was a question and answer session where Ms.Kuppu took time to graciously answer all the questions from her experiences from the corporate world.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management organized an interactive session on ‘Future jobs and how the students should prepare for?’ through its Industry Interaction platform, Expert Lecture Series on March 20, 2018. Dr. Prasad Padmanabhan, Ph.d, Professor of finance, Myra Stafford Pryor Chair of Free Enterprise, Sam Walton Fellow, Greehey School of Business, St. Mary’s University, United States was the resource person.

Dr. Prasad gave a futuristic perspective of the job market globally and in India. He highlighted the developments in the field of automation, autonomous vehicles, robotics & machine learning. He stressed the fact that much of the top jobs that are currently popular where non-existent 5 years back. It was obvious from his speech that the jobs of the future would be completely different from the so called ‘Hot jobs’ of the present. Dr. Prasad emphasized on the increasing role of Robots in businesses and how the robots would replace much of human works. He enlightened the students about the requirement of continuous learning, adaptability and flexibility to sustain in the future job markets. He advised the students to prepare a resume for the future and start to work from now on towards achieving it in the future. It was an interesting and lively interaction with the expert and it ended with a Q & A session.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management organized an interactive session on ‘Leadership Skills in Contemporary Business Scenario’ through its Industry Interaction platform, Expert Lecture Series on January 12, 2018. The guests of the event include the officials from United Board, Dr. Wai Ching Angela Wong, PhD, Vice President for Programs, Rev. Dr. Maher Spurgeon, Regional Programs Consultant for South Asia and Dr. Cynthia Yuen, PhD, Program Officer for Northeast Asia.

Rev. Dr. Maher Spurgeon, addressed the MBA in his address, he shared various insights on morally and socially responsible leaders. He enlightened the students about the requirement of every individual to work and live with people and this ability would differentiate a ‘Team Leader’. He quoted five principles of this Team Leadership as, “Each one is different, each one is unique, each one has a role to play, communication with not just words alone and working for a common goal”. A team leader should understand these principles and also should make his team understand it. It was an interesting and insightful interaction with the expert and the session ended with a Q & A session.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management in association with Business Standard organized ‘Make A Difference’ – an Expert Talk Series as a part of its Expert Lecture Series (ELS) on November 20, 2011. ‘ELS’ is a platform where business leaders and experts interact with MBA students and this was the 5th of its kind in this academic year 2017-18. Mr. P.C Musthafa, Co-founder & CEO of iD Fresh food was the chief guest of the session and he spoke about his entrepreneurial experiences in the food industry in the forms of six stories about the efforts, challenges and hardships behind the inception of iD Fresh Food. It was an inspirational and interactive session. Dr. Aloysius Edward, DEAN, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Dr. Vijayabaskaran, Head, School of Management and Mr. S Jayaram, Branch Head, Market Development, Business Standard was present for the event.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management, organized an interactive session for its first year MBA students through its ‘Expert Lecture Series’ platform with Ms. Payal Rajpal, Ambassador – Trade & Study, Estonia and the CEO of Red Mango Coaching Company on 11/11/2017. Ms. Payal, gave a brief introduction to the country of Estonia. She highlighted the culture, education, living conditions, geography, climate and the job opportunities in Estonia. While speaking about the education system in Estonia, Ms. Payal briefed the opportunities in the 6 prominent universities, out of which 4 are public and 2 are private universities. A student for master’s programme can receive 25-90% of scholarship and the Ph.D programme is 100% free. These universities offer trending courses in Mechatronics, Cyber security, Entrepreneurship, Humanities, Architecture to name a few. The session ended with a Q & A interaction. This interaction gave the students an understanding of the culture, education system and the opportunities available in Estonia.

Report on Expert Lecture on Union Budget 2015-16

The panel discussion for the union budget 2015-2016 was held on 7th March 2015. The session started off with an invocation song by the department choir. There were four eminent and efficient panel members for the session was Mr. John Thomas, the Moderator for the session, Mr. Sekar, a tax partner with Deloitte, Prof. Ravi, who is heading the Manipal education in the area of management and Mr. Sujith John, a business editor in the Times of India, Bangalore Edition. The discussion started off with Mr. John Thomas who gave short note about how sweets are being given as a currency instead of the small change that needs to be returned back to the customer. This is also considered as the olden type of exchange (barter system). He also gave an insight about how bribes makes the country go round and round. This also he referred to as a small sweet given to another person to get things done. The RBI has the power to manage inflation, the value of Re. 1.50 now and before. Next Mr. Sekar gave an insight of budget and taxation. Budget is nothing but reflection of facing shareholders. The budget of no. of companies shows how they raise revenue from their product or services, planned revenue or unplanned revenue. Similarly for a country budget shows how a country generates income. How revenue is raised by Government, tax collection will may or may not be efficient to meet the expenditure. The politics and budget are interlinked. Next Prof. Ravi spoke about budget and its impact on economy. Change in measurement of GDP, inflation rates and interest rates. Government has made an agreement that inflation rate will be 40% from 2016. Finally Mr. Sujith John gave an insight stating where India is still a poor country and there has been no improvement and it is still in the same position (156th). Though India is one of the poorest countries it still consists of more billionaires. Wealth tax has lost its essence, people above 1 crore will need to pay more tax, etc. The entire session was very informative and interactive. There was also a questionnaire time wherein the students raised questions and each of the panel members gave apt answers. The session ended with the college anthem.

Report on Expert Lecture
The department of Management Studies (MBA and PGDM) organized Expert Lecture Series on August 12, 2015. Niranjan Khatri, Founder and Principal Consultant of I-Sambhav, was the chief guest of the session. The lecture session focused on the importance of sustainable development in todays world.

Mr. Khatri spoke about how our views on planet earth have gradually changed. He said, a few years back, earth was filled with infinite resources. But in recent times, we have understood that earth is finite, both as a source and a sink. He further said that the exponential growth of population is resulting in the decline of resources.

While talking about new perspectives, he opined, Do things differently to capture attention. He concluded by suggesting few measures to be taken to achieve sustainable development, which include using favorable substitutes instead of harmful materials and be nature sensitive.

Expert Lecture on Union Budget 2013-14

An Expert lecture on Union Budget 2013-14 was organized by the Department of Management on March 16th, 2013. The session started at 11.00am and was handled by Mr. G. Sudhakar, Senior Manager - Tax, Deloitte Haskins and sells. The session started with an Invocation song by the department choir, followed by a Welcome speech by Shibin Kurian.

Mr. G. Sudhakar started the lecture by giving us an introduction about the underlying theme of tax proposals. The main points discussed under this topic were about:
* Clarity in tax laws
* Stable tax regime
* Non-Adversarial tax administration
* Fair Mechanism for dispute resolution
* Independent Judiciary

He then discussed with us about the challenging task of the finance minister in preparing the Finance Bill 2013. Finance Bill 2013 was the 8th budget which the finance minister has presented. The context on which the budget was prepared was absolutely a challenging task in this era;
a. when the government's revenues were not increasing
b. the tax administration were attacking every single tax asessee
c. the time when fiscal policy was extremely unstable
d. when inflation was at its peak
e. elections are on the corner and the common mans needs were increasing.

Mr. Sudhakar explained the chaos and turmoil faced by the Indian economy due to the absence of clarity in the tax laws with the example of the Vodafone tax ruling. He also stated about the General Anti Avoidance Rule (GAAR) which aimed at obtaining tax benefits from new budget.

Another key proposal that was discussed was about the amendment of the law to re-characterize the Share buyback scheme as dividend. The scheme explains about the two ways an investor can exit. He also explained to us about the Indirect tax proposal and Transfer Pricing, the voluntary disclosure of income schemes and the Goods and service tax.

At the end of the session the students were presented with an opportunity to forward their queries and doubts which Mr. G. Sudhakar addressed. The session came to a close by 1 pm.

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